Saturday 26 March 2011

Anne Francis.


  1. Its very nice to read a tribute to Anne Francis.
    Just a foot away from me is one of our hand written corespondences.
    I treasure her kindness.
    Thanks for the Tribute to a warm hearted gal.

    4 years ago there was a 50th anniversary release of Forbidden Planet in HD. It viewed in the L.A.'s Egyption thether.
    Anne, Warren Stevens, Richard Anderson and Earl Holiiman were there along with Robby .

    There are photos out there.

    I am upset with Robert Osbourne and TCM for not Tributing her.
    Osbourbe always had nice things to say about her but somehow it got passed TCM
    I did call and left a message about it butTCM staff never answered me.
    Thanks Vince

  2. you got to see Forbidden Planet in a proper cinema? and you got to meet Anne Francis? and Robbie???

    too cool for school.
